My good friend John just posted his interview with me! Please check it out!



My special guest today is is Gothic Romance novelist Amber Sherwood. After meeting and becoming friends with her on Facebook, I’ve found her to be a down-to-earth individual who puts everything she has into her everyday life and her books. She’s just released the second book of the Angels of Death Series — Succumb. After my interview with her, please check out her two novels and links.

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Hi, Amber!  Thanks for stopping by my man cave. Grab a seat and lets start this off with a question about your series. How many books do you anticipate in the Angels of Death Saga?

Hi, John. Thanks for having me. Well, when I initially realized it would end up being a Series, I always imagined a total of three books. However, during the publishing process, my Publisher suggested I write a…

View original post 2,230 more words



Eight 5-star reviews don’t lie! Craving a vampire thriller with a touch of romance and a dash of erotica? Then you don’t want to miss out on this terrific read. And at just .99, why should you?
Angels of Death: Succumb by Amber Sherwood. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/ambersherwood
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/angels-of-death-amber-sherwood/1120313826?ean=9781625501394
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/angelsofdeathvampires
Tsu author page: https://www.tsu.co/ambersherwood
Llumina Press: https://www/llumina.com/en/bookstore/821-angels-of-death-succumb.html
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/Amber_Sherwood
Blog: https://ambersherwood.wordpress.com
Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYZeyeRsQ9M

Please Support My Thunderclap Campaign!

My Thunderclap campaign for Angels of Death Series is live! If I receive 100 supporters by November 26th, the series will receive much needed publicity that will reach thousands! Your support would be greatly appreciated and it’s really easy to do! Just click on the link below and click the SUPPORT button! That’s it! And you can even use your FB, Twitter or Tumbler account to do it! Thank you in advance!


Tell Me Your Ghost Stories!

In honor of Halloween, does anyone have any personal ghost experience stories to share? We’d LOVE to hear them! Please comment!

I’ll tell you about my experiences when I visited the Eastern State Pen. Nothing astronomical happened, but I thought it was pretty creepy!


I had never been to Philly before, and was sent there back in 2005 by my place of work to attend the annual ADA Convention. It was a cold and rainy October Sunday, and the LAST thing I wanted to do was work the large floor of the Philly Convention Center, talking to a bunch of self-absorbed salesman and dentists, so the Hubby and I decided to tour the city with what little time we had! We started the day off by attending the 9am service at a very old, perfectly Revolutionary white chapel. Then we did the typical tourist thing, seeing the old grave yards and the Bell. Then, my husband suggested we drive out to Eastern State Pen for a quick tour before heading home. Being the little horror-wench that I am, I was eager!

The stone façade was imposing as we pulled the car up and parked on the street. It was kind of weird because it was in this nice, quaint neighborhood of brick home and smack dab in the middle was this HUGE, darkly imposing stone prison! I know I wouldn’t want to live across the street from it! Anyway, we went through the front gates into the gift shop area where you purchase your tickets to go inside and obtain you headphones for the oratory tour, provided in the voice of Steve Buscemi.  And then we entered into the prison itself. There was a junction of several hallways, so we picked one and went. Now, this was mid-October and in the evenings during October, the prison hosted a haunted house type thing. Inside several of the dilapidated cells were decorations and such, which I felt actually detracted from the “natural” experience.

As we walked down the row of cells, approaching a set of steel stairs up to the second level of cells, my skin began to prickle and I felt extremely uneasy. Everyone before us was climbing the steps eagerly, as was my husband. I stopped at the bottom, one foot on the step and looked up. I had this overwhelming sensation to NOT go up there, that something extremely malevolent was up there! I told my husband to promptly get his butt back down to the ground floor and we were moving on! He knows how I am, that I have always been able to “sense” things that most others can not, so he didn’t argue and we continued exploring the other cellblocks.

Eventually, we ended up outside where there were some outer buildings to explore. We were able to go into Death Row, but not the area where they actually did the executions, which was a bit of a disappointment. I highly suspected to feel something creepy in the Death Row area, but left VERY disappointed that I did not. It was at this point that we saw the Port o’ Potty and decided it was time for a quick break. I went first and then was left to stand in the yard, underneath the looming guard tower in the grey drizzle to wait for my husband. It was chilly, and we had been out in the chill for at least 20 minutes by then, but suddenly a HUGE chill rushed through me, and my eyes instantly went up to the guard tower. It felt like I was being watched, even though that was ridiculous. Directly across from me in the wall was the doorway to the guard tower and that in itself started to freak me out. There was just something VERY WRONG with this area and I just knew I needed to be away from it. I moved closer and closer to the Port o’ Potty, silently rushing my husband out. It seemed like it took him a hour, but it was actually probably 2 minutes max! Whatever it was, it was WAY too long for my liking! I quickly rushed him back inside, and by that time was ready to get out of there!


Back in Baltimore that following week, during a lull at work, I pulled up the prison on Google and was greeted with all the ghost stories surrounding it. One of the ghost shows on TV, Ghost Hunters I think it was, had done a show at the prison and supposed caught the image of a mysterious “cloaked phantom” up on the second row of cells. It ran down the walkway toward the camera then back, seemingly at lightning speed. There were several theories to prove it real and also to dispel it, but it supposedly happened in the very cell block where I had originally felt my first bout of fear. Do I think the image was real? I don’t know. Do I think something EVIL resides in that cell block? ABSOLUTELY!

I then continued digging, specifically looking for info on that damned guard tower! Come to find out, there had been many reported sightings of a ghostly figure that would look down on the courtyard from the guard tower. It is believed the be the spirit of a guard who had been murdered by a prisoner trying to escape. Several incidents have bee reported to have occurred during attempted tours of the guard tower, including people being shoved down the stairs by invisible hands!

Prior to my visit to Philly, I had never even HEARD of Eastern State Penn, much less had the forethought to investigate its ghost history prior to visiting. All I had to go on were my instincts and intuition. And I KNOW I felt things there that were later corroborated, so how can I dismiss them as malarkey?

My final opinion of ESP is that YES it IS haunted, and rightly so because it was a horrible place to be imprisoned. I credit my visit that day to my eventual desire to become a ghost hunter and for the hunger I now have to make REAL, CONCRETE contact with spirits. I would also recommend a tour to anyone who thrives on the thrills and chills of the paranormal, or even those who have a great love of history.

In conclusion, I’d like to thank you for allowing me to regale you with my prison ghost story and I hope it sparked some interest in you to possibly visit the prison in the future. You can visit the official webpage for information: http://www.easternstate.org. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you the tale of the time I visited the ghosts of the USS Wisconsin, stationed in Norfolk, VA!

Photos courtesy of: http://www.prairieghosts.com/eastern.html (another great site to visit for info!)


Take-aways From My Time at DitterCon 2014

I sit here at home, a week and a half after leaving New Orleans where I attended the author’s conference DitterCon, so I’ve had plenty of time to ruminate on the experience. Since I am a newly self-published author who is still very green to all of this, I had no idea what to expect and was quite nervous going in. Since it was my first convention, I decided not to rent a table and feature my novels, wanting first to see what all goes on and try to learn what I should do and not do. My main goal, however, was to make contact with a “traditional” publisher and hopefully win them over. I even took samples of my current WIP to hand out. I would later learn that this was actually just a waste of ink and paper, which I will touch on later.

After attending the meet and greet Thursday evening, I pretty much learned all I would need to know. I had the opportunity to meet and hang with the lady for whom the convention is named, as well as many of the featured authors who had rented tables. Some I made immediate connections with, others not so much, but everyone was very friendly. I quickly fell into a small group of wonderful ladies who have been in this business for a while and they were very eager to fill me in on the secrets, the ins and outs of it all. Now, it WAS New Orleans, and being as shy as I am, I WAS quite uh…inebriated, so I think I’ve probably forgotten MOST of what they told me, but I’ll try to list the main points that I managed to hang on to in the Cosmopolitan haze! Here we go!

  1. While not ALL authors are willing to help others succeed, there are A LOT of great authors out there who are very eager to bestow their knowledge on newbies such as myself. As I said, I met some wonderful ladies and I hope that I can continue to maintain those friendships over Facebook, since they live all over the country.
  2. OK, this is kind of embarrassing to admit, but there is a lot of lingo going around that is just confusing! MC. WTF is an MC novel??? And I never really knew what being an “Indie” author meant. To ME, a child of the 90’s, I always equated the word “indie” with the new hippie, akin to Edie Brickell and the like! But thanks to my new friend Laramie Briscoe who actually writes MC romances, I now know MC means Motor Cycle Romance! (PS, I find her covers absolutely awesome and she has some of the coolest swag items I’ve seen!). And “Indie” actually refers to ME! Imagine that! Indie means Independently Published. I’m such an idiot! I seriously should have figured that one out and YES I feel completely embarrassed!
  3. Speaking of Indie authors, when I self-published, I felt a bit of embarrassment. “Oh, you’re not GOOD ENOUGH to be picked up by a REAL publisher.”, you know, THAT kind of thing. That’s why I went with Llumina Press. They’re kinda different from most self-pub outfits in that they don’t just take your money and print anything. Deborah Greenspan, the EiC, is very selective of the works she attaches herself to. If it’s worthy, she works with you, if not, you’re free to patronize one of the other companies. So, in going with them and being “accepted”, I could at least say I was GOOD ENOUGH to be allowed in. Well, come to find out, self-pub is bigger and much more prevalent than I thought! During the Q & A panel on Friday, it was discussed of whether a traditional publisher was better or if it was more advantageous to self-pub. I was always under the impression that traditional publishers also marketed you. Not true according to one panelist. That horror still rests solely on the author. Well, HELL! Then I learned that you basically give up control over your cover and one lady even said her editor had a problem with the word “cum” so she made her change it! Umm, EXCUSE ME! WHO’S the author here???? There are also large dollar penalties for missing deadlines and so forth. So, please, tell me, WHAT are the benefits of being traditionally published? Many in the room were working with traditional publishers but were also self-publishing on the side. So my mind is made up, self-pub all the way baby! I want control over it ALL, my writing, my cover, my timeline and what I can and can’t do! And since it seems I’m now in the MAJORITY, I have no reason to be ashamed of being an Indie-author!
  4. You can publish an eBook on Amazon for FREE! WHAAAT??? I knew Amazon published in some capacity, but I never really looked into it. Apparently, they don’t charge you to upload and format, they just take a portion of the proceeds, which they’re gonna do anyway! If you want physical copies, you can also purchase those on a Print on Demand basis on the cheap. To me, this is a WONDERFUL way for writers who are not too sure if they’ve got it or not to give it a try! Put that book out as an eBook! If it’s free, what do you have to lose? I’m probably going to publish my WIP on Amazon when it’s done, just to see how it goes.
  5. I learned what “Serials” are. I always thought a Serial was the same as a Series, but it’s not. Serials are small books that are published every 6 weeks or so and eventually make up an entire novel, where as a SERIES is a number of full length books put together to form an on-going saga. Not sure if I like the sound of serials. To me, I’d just rather write the whole damned book and release one a year then break it down into bits and be publishing constantly. I also think this kind of floods the market and could work against you. But, that’s just my opinion. Whatever works for you, ya’ know?
  6. There are women who get off on writing Male on Male books. Don’t know if I could do it myself, but there are those who love it and are successful at it. I find it hard enough to write a M/F sex scene (I’d rather be ripping out throats and cutting off heads, LOL), so if you can, as a straight woman, write a scene that has gay men riveted, more power to you sister! I bow down to you!
  7. And on that note, don’t judge a book by its cover. Just because an author presents herself as a shy, soft-spoken older woman, don’t assume that her love scenes are tame. I met one lady who I thought would write a more conventional romance, but NOOO, she said she writes the very erotic stuff. You go, Girl!
  8. People tend to NOT like when you kill off main characters, which is bad news for me, because my characters always seem to want to off themselves. During the panel, a lot of readers expressed distaste for this, and then one author on the panel stated that she felt authors off main characters because they’ve grown TIRED of them. To this, I VEHEMENTLY disagree! I have offed many a main or important character and NEVER has it been because I was tired of them! It has always happened because that character came to me in spirit form (NO I’M NOT CRAZY! STOP JUDGING ME!!!!), and told me that they HAD to die in order for the story to progress. And what tends to follow is a struggle between me and said character, a lot of pleading and anger on my end and then I finally give in, type up the scene and proceed to bawl my eyes out for days on end. So I say NO! It is NOT because I stopped loving that character! It was simply a necessary evil to the progression of the story, no different than when a main character is killed off on Walking Dead or Game of Thrones. I am a proud member of the “If Darryl dies, we riot” club!
  9. I learned a bit about what my morals as a writer are. I learned what the trends are and what I WILL NOT comprise on, despite what those trends may be! I will NOT break one novel down into 10 pieces so I can make quick money as I write. My novels are to be written as a whole, not in 50 page increments. If I get one book a year published, so be it! I write because I love it and want to share my stories with others; it doesn’t put food on my table so it’s not imperative that I have a constant flow of cash. It would be NICE, but I don’t have it now, so it’s not like I’m missing anything. Yes, I am writing a SERIES, but each book is meant to stand alone, not all be a part of one novel. I also decided that, despite this turn from a more subdued, classy love scene to raw, nasty sex scene that involves whips and chains and the words “cock” and “pussy”, I will NOT put one of those scenes in my book unless the setting itself calls for it! There is NO WAY I could EVER describe a loving and tender scene between the two main characters in such a brash manner. To me, it takes away any romance or intimacy. Those words for ME, indicate pure f*cking, just to get your rocks off. Have I written raw scenes? Yes, but even then I don’t think I’ve used the C or P word! I AM A ROMANCE WRITER NOT AN EROTICA AUTHOR! That is something I will not compromise on. I know what I, as a reader what I like to read and don’t like and that is what I choose to write. If it’s not nasty enough you, then go find 50 Shades. Again, to each his own!
  10. This is a HARD, HARD business! Don’t expect to get famous right away…or EVER for that matter! BUT! And that is a BIG BUT, it can happen! There are a lot of famous authors who we all assume were overnight sensations who are actually not! Look it up! Charlaine Harris had many SERIES published before The Sookie Stackhouse Series and once Sookie hit, she was famous! It took her something like 15 years to “make it”! But she kept at it and it paid off! Don’t give up! Keep at it, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be one of the lucky ones!
  11. The most important lesson of all, I believe! I arrived in New Orleans a day early, so I ventured down to Bourbon Street to relax and take in the sights, and unfortunately the smells, of the biggest party place in the south. As I sat in one of the bars enjoying a drink, two separate groups of very drunk ladies came in and sat near me. Each asked why I was in New Orleans, if I was a local or just visiting. When I told them I was there for an AUTHOR CONVENTION, they all went nuts! “OH MY GOD! I’M TALKING TO A FAMOUS AUTHOR RIGHT NOW!” Smugly, I smiled, pulled out a business card with my Amazon author page listed on it and said, “Yes, yes you are!”

So, was the knowledge I gained worth the $1500 spent on the trip? That remains to be seen. I did learn some valuable tid-bits I would not have learned simply over the internet, and I hope I’ve made some long-term friends in the ladies I connected with. Did I enjoy my time in a wild and crazy city with no son and husband to take care of for 5 days, just time spent bonding with my mom/PR person/cohort? Absolutely! Did I learn that MY writing is just as good, if not better than my peers? NO DOUBT! It was a great boost to my ego and just what I needed to make me realize that I am just as worthy as everyone else and that I need to stop being so hard on myself every day. All I can do is write and promote myself, MODERATELY it seems is preferred to constant pushing, and PRAY that people catch on to the awesomeness of my work.

As an end note, Saturday afternoon, as we drove East on I10 toward the Florida line, I checked my Amazon author page which shows my ranking as well as my individual book ranking. My author ranking had been hanging miserably around the 600,000 mark. Miraculously, my networking and publicizing those few days had spiked my ranking up to 100,000! WHAAAT??? Talk about feeling over the moon! It’s the little things, just ONE thing, each day that I look for to keep me going day to miserable day. ONE DAY I will be sitting on my yacht, about to fly out to oversee the filming of the movie based on my novel, and I will look back on all this and laugh and ruminate over the trials and tribulations that faced me as a little-known, thirsty, desperately-seeking-a-review- author. Hey, if you speak it, it WILL happen! That’s my motto!

Experience the Birth of True Evil!

I always seem to focus all of my promo time on Succumb because that novel was my original baby. Poor Genesis always gets ignored. I realized this past weekend that, even though Genesis only came to be as a way to promote Succumb, it’s still one of my novels! It might not be a long one, but it’s still a published novel AND it’s good and deserves just as much love as its brother! Plus, it’s free on B&N and iTunes, and only .99 on Amazon! Check it out! If you’re a vampire lover like me, I’m sure you’ll like it!

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/angelsofdeathvampires

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/ambersherwood

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/angels-of-death-amber-sherwood/1120313826?ean=9781625501394

Genesis promo

WAY off topic of writing but….

Can I just say that being a parent is the HARDEST job in the world? We’re through into this lifelong commitment with hardly ANY training beyond how to heat up a bottle and change a diaper and then we’re put into positions where WE have to make very important, life changing decisions at the drop of a hat!

As much as I’ve tried, it seems that every decision I’ve made for my son has been the wrong one! He was born prematurely, which actually put him just at the cutoff age to start Pre-K. He was 4. In MY mind I believed putting him in Pre-K was preferable to having him sit at the babysitter’s house for another year doing nothing but watching cartoons on TV. Little did I know that his premature mind had yet to catch up to those of his classmates AND that he would be physically abused by the woman at the daycare center who took him to and from school while I worked a FT job. It wasn’t until the end of the year that I found out he had told a teacher’s aid that this woman had PUNCHED him in the face sometime around January or so. Yeah, just narrowly missed going to prison on that one!

Fast forward several years. I had the opportunity, FINALLY, to get Josh into a Charter school, which seems to be all the rage amongst ADHD parents. “Oh, you’ll love it! He will do so great!” So, I pulled him out of his Public School and sent him to this new Charter school that opened in the neighborhood. Despite the ridiculously long pickup procedures (finally down to 1 hour at best a month and a half in), I was willing to stick it out if he seemed to be doing good. NOPE! He has had nothing but bad notes in his agenda and is even failing Science for not turning in assignments. The teacher has my email, don’t you think she would have TOLD me this? I had no idea!

Since the school was open to the general area and not confined to the smaller surrounding area, I believe Josh may have gotten in with the crowd from “across the tracks”, if you will. He began to act like a thug, a little gang member in training, being very disrespectful and refusing to do homework, etc. We NEVER had these problems at his old school. Well, ok, he’s NEVER wanted to do homework, but who DID? So, after much fret and worry, I finally decided to pull him out of the charter school and return him to his old elementary school. Upon hearing this, the Vice Principle was so overjoyed that he actually called me at home to tell me he was going to spend the weekend figuring out the perfect class to put him in.

Even though I am so much more relieved now that this ordeal SEEMS to be over, I can’t help but feel like a total failure again. I had started Josh early, hoping to help him, but he was constantly struggling to keep up with the kids who were not premature. Finally I came to the decision to hold him back. Now, I think the Charter school, which is supposed to cater to the child’s needs and personality, was a complete disaster, resulting in no positive changes but a ton of bad ones!

DOES IT EVER END? WHEN will I stop F-ing up and actually make the RIGHT decision the first time around? I feel like I have failed him on so many levels in his 11 years on this planet.

Welcome to my life followers! It’s a hell of a bumpy ride!